Room 5 is a bustling and busy classroom of 5 year olds. We are always challenging ourselves, trying new things and learning about how school works. This blog is a way to keep whanau and friends updated on what is happening in and around our school lives. Please leave a comment so we know you have visited!
Friday, 12 December 2014
Striving to Succeed Awards & Te Rapa Pools trip
Week 9 has been another busy week for all of us in Room 5! To start off our week we have had two new students join us - Manav Patel and Ella Knight, they are having a lot of fun in Room 5!
On Wednesday we had our Prize giving Assembly. There were a lot of awards, trophies and certificates handed out, it was great to see! This year Zayne Fisher and Legend McLaren received the special "Striving to Succeed" award. These two boys have had amazing success in Room 5. We are all very proud of their achievements.
On Thursday we had our annual Te Rapa Pools trip. This was a whole school event, so there were a lot of Stanley Ave students out and about! The Juniors had a great time under the sprinklers and water fountains and lots of swimming was done. It was a very fun day , and very tiring! Some Room 5 students even had to have a wee nap on the way home.
Check out some of the cool photos from the pool trip , and of course our two award winners!

Friday, 5 December 2014
Junior Camp Day
Yesterday we were all lucky enough to participate in the Junior Camp Day. We went on a treasure hunt through the wetlands to find clues that Stanley Bear had left behind. Room 5 were very good at spotting the clues , we found all 18 of them! When we made it back to school we had to work out where Stanley Bear had left our treasure. We put our clues together to solve the puzzle and worked out that our treasure was buried in the sandpit!
After some morning tea the Junior School were mixed up to form teams. Throughout the day children had fun with water activities, the parachute, canoes and even grass skis! By lunchtime we all sat down and enjoyed a yummy sausage and a juicy. We all had a lot of fun and were very tired at the end of the day.
A big thank you to our great parent helpers who came for our walk around the wetlands and helped on activities throughout the day.
Monday, 1 December 2014
Alphabet Superstars!
Congratulations to Lily, Briar and Paityn who know all of their letters in the alphabet!! Good work girls, I hope you enjoy your prizes, keep up the good work.
Next week we have our end of year trip to the Hamilton pools. Don't forget we need your money and permission slips as soon as possible.
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