Monday, 12 December 2016

Final assembly - End of year certificate

Today was our final assembly. We watched a performance by the band, the kapa haka and farewelled the year 8 students. 
It was also a time to recognise students throughout the school with our end of year certificates. Students were awarded either a certificate for academic excellence across all curriculum areas, or for consistently striving to succeed and showing a positive attitude towards learning.
This year the recipients in Room 5 were Lucas Gamble and Jessica Broekhals, who were both awarded the Striving to Succeed award.
 Lucas comes into class everyday keen and ready to learn. He is always organised ,asks a lot of questions and offers to help where he can. He never says that anything is too hard and asks for help when he gets a bit stuck. As a teacher I love being able to see Lucas working through tricky tasks and giving everything his all. This is the reason I chose him to receive one of my Striving to Succeed awards.
Jessica is a constant ray of sunshine in Room 5. She starts everyday with a huge smile and a cheerful greeting that lights up anyones's day. She is keen to give anything and everything a go. In class she asks for help is she gets stuck and is an amazing helper to myself and her classmates. She takes risks with her learning and always gives everything 100% effort and this is why I have chosen her to receive my other Striving to Succeed award.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Yoga for kids

Week 9 of term 4 and things are all go at Stanley Avenue! We have had a new smiley face join us, today we welcomed Kalais to Room 5. Kalais has an older brother so is already a little familiar to Stanley Avenue.
With a lot of activities, events and lessons going on, Room 5 sometimes needs a bit of down time. We have started looking at yoga for kids. The students are really enjoying something different and the positions help them calm down, work on their co-ordination and improve gross motor skills. Here is the link to one we have been doing in class Yoga for Kids . Below are photos of Room 5 enjoying their yoga session, and our new class mate - Kalais.

Friday, 2 December 2016

Bible in Schools assembly

Today was the annual Bible in Schools assembly. Each class that takes part in this programme had a chance to showcase an item they had been working on. 
Room 5 talked about the meaning of Christmas. Each letter represented an aspect of Christmas.
Students will be taking their books home that they have worked on each week, these can now be kept at home.
We made a lovely big card for our Bible in Schools ladies and Mrs Samuel was going to take it and show it to everyone.